April 2024: Volunteers help achieve 10,000 wildflower planting target
Our Chalk Species Revival project has been making huge progress over the past few months. Thanks to volunteers we’ve managed to hit some ambitious targets for nature recovery in the Wiltshire chalk landscape.
Over 10,000 wildflower plug plants for butterflies are now sitting snugly on the Wansdyke waiting to kick into action when the weather gets a bit warmer (and hopefully sunnier) and the capital works at RSPB Winterbourne Downs are nearing completion.
The plug planting has been a huge team effort, and we obviously couldn’t have done it without the time and dedication of our fantastic volunteers.
They have battled with the elements to plant across often hugely exposed sites. It really is quite a milestone, so a huge thank you to all of you.
What’s next?
For the next 12 months, we’ll continue with conservation and monitoring work, including more wildflower planting and surveys for habitat condition and species.
How can you help?
We’ll be adding more volunteering survey dates for the Wansdyke area starting in May and then ongoing throughout the summer. Sign up link for all future volunteer days at: https://volunteering.wiltshirewildlife.org/volunteers/opportunity/10215339
At RSPB Winterbourne Downs, they are looking for new volunteers to join wildflower planting work parties this Autumn. Please contact nicola.quinn@rspb.org.uk
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust is facilitating volunteering opportunities for this part of the Chalk Species Revival project, a collaboration between the National Trust, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, RSPB, Natural England, and the Pewsey Downs Farmer Group: https://wiltshirechalk.org.uk/chalk-species-revival/
Chalk Species Revival is a project of the Wiltshire Chalk Partnership.